Tron Auto-sync - Tronscan Still Not Pulling TRC20 Transactions or Transfers

Describe the problem:
TRC20 Tokens Transactions and Transfers not syncing

Which exchange/wallet is this regarding?
TRON - Tron blockchain on Tronscan

How did you import data into this wallet?
Tried both Autosync and import CSV file.

What have you tried to fix this so far?

Koinly Tron auto-sync works fine pulling the TRC10 transfers info over but it’s the (TRC20 Transactions (trigger smart contract) and TRC20 Transfers) info that does not get the transfer over. I am pretty sure that the TRC20 CSV format on tronscan is not correlating with your layout or the other way around. I had to download the CSV file from tronscan on both Transactions and Transfers for TRC20 tokens to manually edit those CSV files to work with Koinly format to get some of the basic info working with Koinly so that I could see the balance of my total tokens at least till you fix this issue.

Yeah i have the exact same issue. My interactions with the smart contracts returns me TRX and they show up in my wallet but Koinly is not able to pull up those transactions . so as a result my wallet balance is messed up as API and calculated balances are off .

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