Missing Binance Futures historical trading data

Describe the problem:
The API appears to not pickup Binances future trading data plus tansfers and commissions. I get the Spot account data but nothing for my futures ? can you help please

Which exchange/wallet is this regarding?
Binance futures

How did you import data into this wallet?

I tried manual downloads of historical data csv files but they have to be done in different types, either trades or transfers and realised losses. I cant upload this data Koinly fails to read these files.
What have you tried to fix this so far?

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I wondered if you may have looked at this ?
I use Binance Global and I dont get any Futures data here when connecting via API.
I have been using a competitor of yours who had the same problem, they discovered that Binance had changed their API recently and are correcting, I wonder if that is the problem here too ?

Yes this is an issue with Binance that we are working to resolve.

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Thankyou, I do appreciate you looking to resolve it .