Miscategorized coins

Describe the problem:
it seems that mingocoin (xmc) which has near zero value is being miscategorized as monero classic of the same ticker. wondering if this can be fixed? surprised that it is not looking at the contract has instead of the ticker

Which exchange/wallet is this regarding?
on chain wallet

How did you import data into this wallet?
auto sync

What have you tried to fix this so far?
Please read https://help.koinly.io/en/articles/3663415-missing-purchase-history-for-xyz before creating new topics. Most issues are easily resolved using this guide
did a few searches but did not find anything concrete. tried the advanced transaction view but because it has been auto synced it cannot be modified

Hi @maikelmclauflin, please PM me your public address and we can investigate this.

This should be resolved now. Please delete and re-add the wallet.