Imported the wrong altcoin ticker (real one missed)

At least one coin of mine (Moonstarter, $MNST) has been autosync imported as the wrong token. They both have tickers MNST, but what I traded is the legitimate version and shows up on txn hash, while Koinly displays an unknown scam version of the coin. I cannot override this as it’s an API import but clearly on the blockchain explorer, it’s showing I actually traded the proper token.

One txn hash is Binance Transaction Hash (Txhash) Details | BscScan, but my transactions on Koinly are using some random token of the equivalent name and ticker.

Here you can see that the real MNST is the top, with the logo, but Koinly has selected the one highlighted in the blue row for some reason.

What should I do to fix this seeing as I can’t override the API import. I’m over 1000 txns in total now so would much prefer to continue using API import.

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