Is there a problem with Sync to Binance?

Describe the problem:

API Sync having problems to Binance. 1 in about 20 attempts seems to work
Which exchange/wallet is this regarding?

How did you import data into this wallet?

What have you tried to fix this so far?
I leave it a while and retry. I will try every few hours or so until I get something.

I have been seeing this problem too for much of this afternoon.

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Yes I have been having this problem for weeks now.

Yes. I click SYNC and it says it’s doing it but then never does anything. Several hours later it synced up without me touching it. Seems a serious lag/delay in doing it for some reason. Been doing this yesterday and today for me.

I had 2 random transactions imported through the Binance API which never happened :grimacing:

Is it fair to say that almost all the queries in Discuss never have a resolution, unless another user has a work around or fix. Do Koinly ever reply to issues or work to correct them? I have been working on the free plan for about 2 weeks and can’t get much to reconcile to the Dashboard, almost all the transaction are coming from Binance. When I do edit a transaction to make it worth properly in Koinly and achieve the correct result, then I find a few days later my Dashboard has changed even though I have only run auto-sync. It seems to be a ever moving problem which is extremely frustrating. So, is this just normal, I need to get use to it OR Am I likely dumb and doing something wrong OR Are there genuinely problems with the way Koinly works. Finally, does anyone at Koinly ever reply or update on fixes, developments etc. I can foresee situations where I may go and edit or create transactions to fix the errors and then Koinly does a fix that may solve the issue, thus it is double fixed next time I update or sync. I feel like a cat chasing its tail. I am just trying to understand before I dive in and commit . Thanks for listening!

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Replying to myself, just to highlight the lack of response otherwise. I guess this effectively answers my question. Is there any support for this app?

Hi Koinly team

Binance API not working almost a month… I think binance has changed the API settings you have to fix this.

also changed the CSV extension from 3 to 4 times per month

My API appears to sync ok. Sometimes it doesnt but I keep trying a few times and it woks, I find there is a few quirks with it where it might not work at certain times of the day but works well if I come back later. If its not working at all for you then there must be a issue perhaps Binance has blocked your IP or something. It definitely works for me as I use it multiple times a day.

It works for me but there is a lag. I usually sync and refresh 2 or 3 times spread over an hour or so to get all the transactions. Also, good to leave some time between your last transaction and the sync, again some sort of lag in getting data to the right output files it seems.

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