"Blanketter.sru" dosent hold any K4 report

When i genreated the taxreport “digital” so that i can upload the taxreport to my IRS/Skatteverket. It says that the file “Blanketter.sru” dosent hold any K4 report?

Best regards

Koinly I am facing the same issue. I am starting to get pretty annoyed with you guys. Time to step up!!

One thing that I noticed was that my name in the sru file was not my first name and last name. The reason was that I had not typed it under account info. You should make clear that the user should type in last name and first name maybe add the fields under settings. But even when I have changed this the sru file is still not possible to upload to skatteverket. If this is not possible koinly is useless to me.

At least consider update the message when downloading the k4 digital report so it covers that your name should contain first name and last name

“Please ensure you have entered your Personnummer (12 siffror), Postkod and Postort on the Settings page before downloading this report.”

After making sure the name is matching my name I could upload the file “blanketter.sru” from the zip file but now with a new message

“Filen blanketter.sru innehåller ingen K4-bilaga för inloggad deklarant.”

My last attempt to get this working was to change my cpr to include the all 12 numbers and that seems to solve my issue.

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