Binance REALIZED_PNL inaccurate

The REALIZED_PNL shown on a transaction via API is higher (by more than double) compared with the actual REALIZED_PNL when I manually download my futures trade history.

I have emailed support about this and have attached the transactions in question and screenshots.

But does anyone else have similar issues? It’s also worth noting that when I import the CSV containing the exact same transactions (into a new wallet) the calculation that Koinly makes on the REALIZED_PNL is even worse than the API despite the CSV showing the correct figure.

Thanks for any help

that is strange and it does concern me as well, I want to use koinly as main source for the taxes, but I have a question if you import your data do you get different REALIZED_PNL results?

I don’t use however after additional efforts on this, I have found the following:-

Deleting the trades permanently from Koinly and re-importing them via API is hit and miss, sometimes it simply doesn’t import anything and it never imports the right values for these transactions.

If I take the XLSX file produced by Binance from my futures trades and edit that file to ONLY include the transaction in question it then seems to import it correctly. This implies something else is causing the API/XLSX to produce incorrect numbers but I cannot find it, no other transaction would cause the REALIZED_PNL to more than double.

Its very confusing and makes me doubt all of my previous Binance API imports now, how do I know that they are accurate and not also subject to errors?

Koinly will aggregate all your pnl transactions in the same day to reduce the total txn count since there can be hundreds of these, this is why you will see completely different figures after importing them. You can verify this by summing all pnl for a particular day and comparing with what koinly shows you.

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