PancakeSwap Liquidity Pools, Farms

Kindly add support for Pancakeswap and its liquidity pools and farms.

You have recently added support for Binance Smart Chain (THANK YOU!) which helps a lot. Now if you can simpy add these DEX’s like PancakeSwap this solve the problem.

I second that! Plus fix wrapped stablecoins, they show as they’re worth 0.


Please add support for binance smart chain farms.

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Please add proper support for this. If you don’t I will have to move platforms, and I don’t want to do that since I love Koinly’s other features.

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Did you find a platform that supports this properly?

Ive been looking at CryptoTaxCalculator, but the UI is pretty hard to use. Koinly is still better in that respect. I just wish support would reply

The issues addressed here have been fixed now. I have no issues with pancake swap pools and the coin support on BSC is much improved.

how do you use koinly with defi farms in bsc ? do u use “send to pool” when u stake coins at the farm and “receive from pool” when u unstake from the farm ? whenever i do that i see that koinly messes up the cost basis completely.

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