Nicehash Missing Id Problem

Describe the problem:
Hi I have a long list of crypto in Nicehash but the sync give the message that is missing id on trade txn, can you help me?

Wallet: NiceHash (NiceHash)
Transactions: 2
Imported with: API

  1. missing id on trade txn!
  2. No airdrops/forks found
  3. No crypto withdrawals found
  4. No trades found

Which exchange/wallet is this regarding?

How did you import data into this wallet?

What have you tried to fix this so far?

Hey @rafacosentino,

Several of our clients that have dealt with a “missing id on trade txn”-error have been able to resolve them by re-syncing a few times. You might also want to try resyncing from the beginning. I hope that does the trick for you.

If the issue persists, please let us know on [email protected].

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