Kucoin problem for USA

**Describe the problem:*Koinly says file content invalid when importing CSVs from kucoin

**Which exchange/wallet is this regarding?**Kucoin

**How did you import data into this wallet?**as a CSV, dragged over to koinly

**What have you tried to fix this so far? wactched multiple videos and google speadsheets but nothing working

Hi @hooyah_doc

When it comes to Kucoin, you should make sure you have followed the instructions in our integration guide below to export your files:


The file Kucoin provides you with is a zip file (“BillingHistory.zip”) and there should be one for each year. You should extract it first (using any online tools). Then you will see that it contains quite a few CSV files. You should import them one by one into your Kucoin wallet. Just remember that some of them may be empty sheets and some of them are not needed which get automatically rejected. The ones that Koinly needs will get imported smoothly.

Hi @Aria_Koinly,

What if you watched the videos, tried API (but I’m from the US, and can’t verify identity), tried CSV (always says “empty file” even though there are transaction reports on them), but nothing works? Is there something I might be missing? How should I go about solving this matter? Any advice would be much appreciated. Thank you.

Hi @Peter_Jimenez

If you cannot follow our instructions to export your file or have a CSV file that is not imported, you should follow the instructions in the guide below to create a custom file with your data that can be imported.

How to create a custom CSV file with your data