Cost Basis is wrong

Describe the problem:

Does anybody know why the quoted cost basis is £524.41 ?
I bought DOT for (£290.04 + £65.15 =) £355.19
I had never bought DOT before, not even through other exchanges. As you can see, it’s sorted by oldest first, so you are seeing the very first transactions in the screenshot.
It’s reporting a £91.19 loss when its actually a (£433.65 - £355.19 =) £78.46 gain.

Which exchange/wallet is this regarding?

How did you import data into this wallet?

What have you tried to fix this so far?
Tried checking cost basis method in settings (Shared Pool / Individuals).
Tried toggling wallet based cost tracking (although I only have one wallet)


Check off ACB cost basis method? Also, delete cache in settings.

Click on the the sell transaction dated the 19th October. The transaction expands and then click on cost analysis and it might help to understand what has been calculated.

I can see you have been receiving DOT as income. If you have been receiving a lot of DOT as income it may be affecting your cost basis as cost basis its not just as simple as what you buy depending on what settings you have.

Hi, thanks for your reply. I have tried that and it doesn’t really seem to help.

Koinly marks it as income but it’s actually just Binance offering me a minor rebase on my fees for every transaction (because I referred a friend). As a result, each transaction seems to be paired with an income transaction (albeit miniscule amounts of money, so I’m not too fussed that this will be taxed as income). Also, as I said, these are my very first DOT transactions (going from top to bottom) and the very first time I have ever bought or recieved DOT, in this wallet or any wallet.

I’m worried that there will be mistakes elsewhere but I can’t audit them all (there’s loads). I’m just lucky I caught this one.

Does this help?

Hi, thanks for your reply.
I do currently have my settings as shared pool/individuals.

I don’t actually know if its possible under any cost basis method for the cost basis to exceed the total amount paid.

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