API importing incorrect gas fees for Blast L2 transactions

Describe the problem:

Koinly imports incorrect transactions for Blast Wallet. It does not calculate accurate gas fees for the transactions, which makes the cost basis for those transactions incorrect.

The gas fees on the Blast chain comprise two components: the L1 fee and the L2 fee. However, Koinly only imports the L1 fee and excludes the L2 fee.

Additionally, Koinly does not account for Blast native yield, which results in a missing purchase price for certain assets. Consequently, the final blast wallet balance does not match the actual balance.

Which exchange/wallet is this regarding?

How did you import data into this wallet?
What have you tried to fix this so far?
I tried to add few transactions manually for missing(incorrect) gas fees, but there are over 1000 such transactions . so its not possible to add all manually.

Hi @ST23

True issue has been resolved as it has been marked as “complete” on our feedback portal: