Unable to import Solana address

Describe the problem:
I have a Solana address that I have tried to sync several times but it doesn’t work. I’ve been trying for several days now, clicking sync every now and then. Seems like it’s able to sync up to 2 months ago?

Which exchange/wallet is this regarding?

How did you import data into this wallet?
Sync address

What have you tried to fix this so far?
I tried to import a file but the youtube video doesn’t actually show how. I don’t know what file I’m supposed to import.


is there any update in this problem? im having problems too


I am having the same problem!

I can confirm that this is still a problem after the supposed fix of 5 hours ago or so.

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Hey @will3

Thanks for reaching out. :wave:t2:

There is a currently an issue with the SOL API, a fix was rolled out yesterday but it seems the error is still affecting some wallets.

The team is aware of it though and is looking into it at the highest priority. :+1:t2:

I’ll update this thread when I get any news. :blush:


Hi, all.

We’ve reopened the feedback link while the team looks into the issue:

If you’ve already upvoted, you should still get updates. :+1:t2:


I have been having the same problems with my 2 Ledger/SOL wallets.
(Something went wrong while syncing, try again in a few minutes or contact support )
Yesterday my Phantom wallets finally synced but the Ledger still will not.


I am having the same problem… Hope this gets fixed soon!

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In case your devs are not aware…I have had intermittent success importing SOL transactions in the last 24 hrs, but when the API does retrieve txns, 3+ copies of the same txn are imported.


Thanks for the quick response Carl. I don’t want to push you all and I know that you’re very busy but I would be so grateful if this is fixed in the next day or so. I really need to get these numbers to my accountant by Monday EOD.


Also, this issue presents fairly often so just wondering if a perm fix is in the works

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Having same issue as others on this thread. Are they actively working on fix?

Hi folks,

In an effort to keep things tidy, I am closing duplicated SOLANA API threads - we will post an update when the API is fixed,

For now, please follow this thead - API For solana wallet not updating

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