Missing KuCoin trading bots

As discussed in KuCoin trading bots not being tracked properly and KuCoin Outdated, Kucoin support is lacking many important features, including sub-accounts. Trading bots use them, and there’s no trace of their transactions when you sync with Kucoin.

It seems that the issue has been discussed for over 18 months now with no acknowledgement from the Koinly team. C’mon, you can do better.

PS: No, the typical issues that you’re already reporting with the API don’t apply to my situation and don’t explain this problem:

  • Data prior to the Kucoin upgrade on 2019-02-18 may be missing
  • Transfers to/from Futures account should be added manually
  • Settled lend trades are limited to last 5000 txns

Hey @Zvezdin :wave:

Thanks for posting!

I will bring this up with the team and get back to you in this thread. I will need to determine firstly whether this is something that’s fixable on our end and if so when a fix should be expected.

On the other hand, if the limitations are due to the Kucoin API endpoint, then I am sure you can understand that there may be little Koinly can do.

Nevertheless, it sounds like an important topic which needs some attention so I will escalate this via the proper channels internally :+1:

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