Large price difference being reported in for value of UNI-V2 tokens

Describe the problem:
There is 30% discrepancy between the initial value of a liquidity pair that was added to a Uniswap LP and the value of the UNI-V2 pool tokens that were added to a mining pool.

$389.48 for the LP pair gave a total of 109 UNI-V2 tokens
When the 109 UNI-V2 left the account 2 minutes later when adding the UNI-V2 token to the mining pool the reported loss was - $508

Which exchange/wallet is this regarding?


How did you import data into this wallet?

Eth blockchain address

What have you tried to fix this so far?
Converted json to csv and then imported

You should mark the transaction as Sent to Pool to remove that loss.

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