Dual Nationality Report

Describe the problem:
I see no way of generating multiple reports for the “dual nationality” option.

I see another post regarding this here but with no resolution on why the numbers look strange. I also tried to change the currency and home country in my account settings from JPY (Japan) to USD (USA), but this generated VERY different numbers. With unrealized losses of around $10,000 USD equivalent (when settings on JPY), and something like $200,000 when the settings are changed.

Which exchange/wallet is this regarding?

How did you import data into this wallet?
Those that have non-beta API sync are synced, and those that are not were imported via the csv templates.

What have you tried to fix this so far?
I just reverted back to JPY and Japan in the settings as this “conversion” doesn’t make much sense at this point, and I’m hoping for a refund on this “dual nationality” option as I’m not seeing what I paid for anywhere.

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