Coinbase API has been upgraded

Describe the problem:
I am seeing these troubleshooting tips. I don’t know what to do with regard to the API upgrade. Is it telling me to delete the wallet and re-add it? So i am deleting 6 years of data? Yikes.

I am also seeing a negative $10,000 ish discrepancy for USDC on coinbase.

Wallet: Coinbase (Coinbase)
Transactions: 991
Imported with: API

  1. API has been upgraded
  2. Portfolio lock date is set
  3. This API has certain limitations:
    ---- No fiat part for direct buys/sells
  4. 1 transactions are missing purchase history
    ---- Missing 38.65149494 USDC between 2023-10-31 03:52:26 UTC and 2024-04-13 04:00:42 UTC

Which exchange/wallet is this regarding?

How did you import data into this wallet?
I am not sure. I’m guessing I used the API that was available when i set up the wallet

What have you tried to fix this so far?
I tried looking through all deposits and xtn using USDC to see if there is anything obvious regarding the large negative balance. Only looked at 2024. Looks like there is at least one problematic transaction in 2023 regarding USDC-USD so maybe past years are messed up and I didnt realize it.

I’m not clear if the negative discrepancy has to do with the API upgrade or not. I have my portfolio locked before 1/1/2024. Not sure if i should unlock and then delete the wallet, or unlock and resync from the beginning, or something else.

Hi @Cindy_Calland

The upgrade warning is explained in API sync: “API has been upgraded” warning on the troubleshooting page. If there are issues in the wallet, deleting it and recreating is recommended, otherwise there is no need to do that.

Regarding the USDC balance discrepancy, I cannot troubleshoot your account here so I suggest you reach out to our support team via the in-app chat but this issue has been recorded on our feedback portal which could be the reason for the discrepancy: