API time adjustment +1 second / - 1 second

Describe the problem:
I have transfered two krypto from Coninbase Pro to Coinbase and from there to my cold wallet.
It seems like the transfer to Conbase and the transfer to my cold wallet happend at the same time.
Now koinly has an purchase history error because its thinking the money was sent befor it arrived.
Timestamp is the same minute (there are no sekonds visible) but anyhow - can you enable to modify such entries +1/-1 second or a minute if needed. You can change such entries then to manual adjusted if you like. BUT please make the time editable. Its a nightmear deleting all transfers just for reimporting again because koinly is flexible as a stoneā€¦

Which exchange/wallet is this regarding?
Coinbase / Coinbase Pro

How did you import data into this wallet?

What have you tried to fix this so far?
remove all transaction + reimport, searched again where to edit time but it seem like you forgot this to add.

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