Add ERC-721 NFT support

Please support Uniswap V3 position NFTs too. A lot of farmers are using them


Thanks for your feedback.
It has been brought to our attention and is in the works for implementation.



This is great to hear, any rough eta on when this might roll out?

Any update on how this is going?

Yes, NFT transactions need to be supported and quickly. Many games, as rituspal mentioned, have a large volume of NFT transactions. Manual solutions are unworkable when you have 1200 transactions in a few weeks of gameplay.

Hello Koinly Fam,

For NFTs you can use the Null1, Null2, and Null3 tokens in the coins list when you create a transaction. Null tokens can be used to represent NFT artwork or NFT land in Sandbox, anything basically. We are also currently working on improving this with native NFT support coming down the line on our product roadmap.

Kind regards,


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Hi Anakin, NFT gaming is highly popular at the moment, Axie, Cryptoblades etc, any estimate of when NFT native support will be released? All transactions in the game like minting new weapon/character to get an NFT weapon/character, and contract execution (fight/battle) in the game are not properly recognized.


There is a large issue with creating Null tokens to represent NFTS. When I manually change the ‘withdraw’ to ‘trade’ it assumes the full cost is the cost of the NFT (including the transaction fee) and I cannot override this.

Hi, I have hit NULL121 and there are no further NULLS to use. What do I do now? I can’t go back to NULL1 or they will get caught up in the 30 day rule which would be incorrect.

Please can you add more NULL numbers?

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Even completely “manual” named NFT objects would be better than nothing or this NullX token thing. This is a feature that should have been added 6 months ago.

I agree, autodetected NFT support is needed ASAP! With cryptogames becoming more popular it is, as mentioned above, getting more and more unmanagable doing things manually. Anyone timeline on when native NFT support will be ready? @Anakin_Koinly

EDIT: Or at least let us name them instead of using NULL1, NULL2, NULL3 etc. Gets a little bit hard to remember which NFT is which after a while :wink:

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seriously nothing yet? There are platforms doing this, surely it’s not that hard to implement or partner with someone who is doing it already?

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This is a must. Any ETA ?

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Hi dear Koinly-Team,

having native support for NFTs is something, that a lot of people are missing - for sure. Pls be so kind and reply into this thread some information about the status of your work.
I’m sure, that your POs have more than enough topics to integrate and to work with your teams upon… But integrating NFTs is one of these topics, that deserve prioritization. :slight_smile:
Thx&Best, Jan

Over all, Koinly is the best tool for me. However, as for NFT, some competitors such as CryptoTaxCalculator fits the current NFT scene well. If it would help you the team, it is not bad to check how they work.

  • Mint feature (label) is essential
  • Many NFT lovers handle thousands of NFTs indeed, and Null1, 2, 3 … cannot be solution
  • Autodetecting you sold which NFT you had bought previously
    and more

We must have, at least, these features imo
Thank you the team for great work anyway. We’re looking for updates.

I am running into the same issues … Beginning with 2021 I started investing and trading a lot with NFTs … Now, I got quite some discrepancies in my imported wallets … that’s a highly required feature going forward with Koinly … At least I have some time to get my taxes for 2021 sorted … But end of next year, all that should be covered!

Any updates on this?

Koinly, could you please provide any update on this

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Please give us update, Koinly.
You should be clear about a plan whether you will produce anything by the end of the year or not. I remember someone from the team wrote (at somewhere I don’t remember) like “hopefully by the end of year” or something. If there won’t be any NFT support by the end of this year, I need to subscribe the other tax tool and do some work with it. PLEASE.

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Come on Koinly.

Sorting out NFTs is an imperative at this point.

Give us some hopium!