Xeggex API Needed

Describe the problem:

Xeggex.com needs to be added as an exchange please. Thanks!
Which exchange/wallet is this regarding?

How did you import data into this wallet?

What have you tried to fix this so far?

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Agreed! The exchange already has APIs so should be easy integration work - would be great to get this going!


And I’d even love to hear a timeframe from Koinly. Xeggex is the only exchange or wallet that I use that can’t be easily connected. Kinda crazy.

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REST Api Documentation: XeggeX Cryptocurrency Exchange
Websockets API Documentation: https://xeggex.com/wsapi

They already have an API for tax tracking so it should be an easy integration to do!

Hi @Royal_M :wave:t2:

Thanks for your message. :blush:

We added CSV support for Xeggex a few weeks ago, but I have created a new ticket specifically for API integration too:

Please upvote at the link above if you want to receive updates when it is planned/completed. Also, more votes = higher priority. :wink:


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