Which plan should I pick

2 Questions

I have transactions going back to 2018 that I am finally declaring because I finally made a major withdrawal. Which plan should I get?

My initial deposits were from Quadriga. All that is seen now are Eth deposits. How do I manually make them fiat to crypto exchange transactions?

Hi @RexShinka

Thanks for your message. :blush:

To answer your questions:

  1. This depends on how many years you’re reporting for. To generate tax reports, you need to purchase a plan for each year that you need to file. You also need to make sure that all of your plans cover the entire transactions count of your portfolio.

There is a great article here that explain it in more detail:

  1. If you have the ETH part of the transactions, you can edit the existing Deposits/Sends and turn them into trades so you can add the fiat side of things:

If you need to add any transactions from scratch there’s more info here on how to do that:

I hope that helps. :+1:t2: