Uniswap liquidity mining

Describe the problem:
When providing liquidity to uniswap in several transactions the recieved token “UNI-V2” are summarized. This is not detected by the koinly app and as a result the “UNI-V2” token has no cost basis. This results in a massive tax error.

Also, there is no way to manually edit the cost basis for the token.

Which exchange/wallet is this regarding?
Uniswap / metamask

How did you import data into this wallet?

What have you tried to fix this so far?
I tried to manually add a deposit of “UNI-V2” with the correct cost basis but it was not detected either.


They say they are working on it according to here: Whats the best way to treat liquidity provision?
But there hasn’t been an update in a while

This was apparently released, but I can’t get it to work.

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The value invested in the UNI-V2 tokens come from the other side of the liquidity trade ex. if you provide 10 ETH + 200 XYZ as liquidity and the total value of these coins on the transaction date was $500 then you would see a 500 cost in the UNI-V2 token. If you are not seeing this then please PM me your registered email address on Koinly and we can look at whats going on.

I think the issue might also be is that Koinly doesn’t have a “market price” for these transactions, forcing us to manually enter the cost

Market prices are not needed for LP tokens, we determine the price from the other coins used in the transaction.

oh ok! To eliminate the warning on the transaction, should we just manually enter $0 in the value section?

No, that warning should not be appearing, can you PM me the transaction hash for it so we can check.

I’m having the same issue with uniswap. The cost basis for staking the pairs is correct. The basis for the UNI-V2 is correct ( sum of the pair). I’m showing a loss of the UNI token equal to its basis. Tagging the transaction as “Sent to Pool” doesn’t remove the “No market price found for UNI-V2 on this date”


Yes this is happening to me for balancer and uniswap pool providing and very frustrating. I thought it was only me

How do you actually put the transaction in? I can just do a 1:1 trade but here we actually have a 2:1 trade. I’m farming on bsc and everything is messed up here. I have 2 withdrawals and 1 deposit and nothing is properly connected.


Any assistance with this question?