Totally messed-up Cost Basis for Liquidity Pool transactions

I’ve got all sorts of issues with Cost Basis calculations in my Liquidity Pool In & Out transactions:

  1. PancakeSwap: Between a Liquidity In and Liquidity Out pair, it swapped the Cost Basis from SUSHI > ETH and ETH > SUSHI
  2. 1INCH BSC: I’ve got 2 x Liquidity In and 2 x Liquidity Out. #1 - In - Cost Basis correct. #2 - In - Cost Basis correct. #3 - Out - picks up the entire Cost Basis from #2, even though it’s double the number of tokens. #4 now has Cost Basis of $0, so has lost Cost Basis for the underlying 1INCH as well.

It’s impacting both realised and unrealised gains since I exchanged some of those tokens, so my tax report will be wrong now too.

This is using a BSC wallet


Actually ignore item 2 with 1 INCH exchange. That is because 1INCH liquidity pools aren’t supported (maybe just for BSC) and I had bad advice to mark “To Pool” as a Swap, but you can’t mark “From Pool” as a Swap so it got messed up. Seeing as I’d already removed that capital from the pool I just deleted all relevant transactions as if it never happened.

As for the flipping of cost basis between SUSHI and ETH that is a major bug that I can’t seem to do anything about. Changing value manually does nothing.

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Actually just realised I can just delete the in/out transactions for that pool now too.

But it’d be much better and more accurate if the bug was fixed and I could restore those transactions.

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I have the same issue, did you just delete the 'liquidity in" and the “liquidity out” transactions, and it figured it out?