There are multiple balances/holdings still showing in Coinbase Pro

Describe the problem:
There are multiple balances/holdings still showing in Coinbase Pro. It is saying I have much more Bitcoin and Eth, plus other crypto than I actually have. Also, it shows the same amount of balances/holdings in coinbase too for some tokens. I imported the account and fills CSV files. Has anyone had this same problem at all?

Which exchange/wallet is this regarding?
Coinbase Pro

How did you import data into this wallet?

What have you tried to fix this so far?
Deleted and imported again the CSV

Hey @Stuart_Phillips

Thanks for your message. :+1:t2:

Can you see the Send transactions in the Coinbase Pro wallet and the Deposits into the Coinbase wallet?

If so, you probably just need to merge them to turn them into Transfers:

If you’re only seeing one side then the data is incomplete, let me know which wallet the transactions are missing from and we can look into it further. :+1:t2:

Hi Carl. Everything on Coinbase Pro has buy written in front of it

Hi Carl, the link mentions merging withdrawals with deposits. But you mention merging send transactions with deposits. I’m a bit confused here.

Hey @Stuart_Phillips

I hope you’re well and apologies for the delay! :pray:t2:

Let’s open a ticket and then I can take a look at your wallets, it will be much easier. :blush:

Make sure you’re logged into Koinly already, otherwise it will ask you to register, then you can submit your question here:

Once that’s done, let me know the ticket number and I can take a look. :+1:t2:

Hi Carl, the ticket number is 39535

I also sent the Arwearve to an Arweave wallet from Kucoin if that helps