Polkadot transaction history downloaded off subscan not recognised

Describe the problem:
Unknown file. Needs mapping

Which exchange/wallet is this regarding?

How did you import data into this wallet?
Csv file

What have you tried to fix this so far?

Hey @graphenes :wave:t2:

Thanks for your message. :blush:

Talisman is a multi-chain wallet, like MetaMask, so you should be able to find your Polkadot address within the wallet (see here), then use that to add your transactions to Koinly:

Note that Koinly doesn’t yet support substrate addresses from Polkadot (addresses that start with a ‘5’), so if you find yours is one of these, you can covert it to a workable address here - https://ss58.org/

I hope that helps! :+1:t2:

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