Please add FDUSD as a stablecoin

In Denmark stablecoins are not taxed the same way as other crypto and good enough Koinly has a summary report that specifically shows net profit/loss from stablecoins but I just tested it with FDUSD and it’s not being recognized as a stablecoin in the summary report.
Please add this asap as I need to send my report to the tax authorities.

Hey @LDJ

Thanks for your message!

I’ve contacted my colleague who handles currency changes and asked for FDUSD to be reclassified on our end. I’ll get back to you with an update ASAP. :+1:t2:

Hey @LDJ

Sorry for the delay! FDUSD has been tagged as a stablecoin now and should show correctly in your reports. :blush:

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I just testet it and it is still being included as a non stablecoin in my report “SKAT Summary Report”

Hey @LDJ

Can you open a ticket here and then let me know the ticket number, please?

Ticket number: #39212