No transaction imported from the Bitfinex API

Describe the problem:
No transactions were read from Bitfinex through the API.

Which exchange/wallet is this regarding?

How did you import data into this wallet?

What have you tried to fix this so far?
I looked at the limitations of the API. There are limitations on margin transactions, of which I have none.
I searched for similar questions. I found that this has been reported before, but rather than addressing the question about Bitfinex API import not working, the suggestion was to read

I realize that I could try and import a .csv-file. I tried with little luck but will try again.

Koinly, please look into why no transactions are imported from this API.

Wallet: Bitfinex (Bitfinex)
Transactions: 0
Imported with: API

  1. No transactions found
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Was this issue solved? I have the same issue. Only some transactions are included, but not all.

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I never heard from Koinly. I meticulously mitigated with manual changes

have the same problem, my API import from BITFINEX is showing only BTC to USD and USD to BTC trades. All other currencies/coins are missing.

I just noticed the same issue

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