Nexo csv imports are not working - "unknown file" needs mapping

Thanks for the update Michael - looking forward to getting this issue resolved.
I’ve contacted Support and hopefully they can help with a hotfix soon

Hi everyone,
I found a workaround to make it work and get the correct values.
First you need to add, as already mentioned, the “Outstanding Loan” column (I open the csv in VS Code).
The second problem is transactions made via Nexo Pro, for example, in this transaction I deposit USDT into Nexo Pro, exchange USDT for USDC, and transfer USDC and USDT back to Nexo.
These 3 transactions should be merged into a single transaction of this type.
USDT = -2673.84393636 + 2.88636892 = -2.670.95756744
USDC = amount of the second transaction with its conversion into dollars

I hope this workaround can be useful to someone :slight_smile:

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Any news on a permanent fix from the Koinly team @Michael_Koinly ?

Hi guys,

Any update on fixing issue? It’s been 2 months since the issue appeared.


Hi @zzargo, @IvanEft, @Daniel_7, and all!

Thank you all for your stellar patience with us, and a massive shout of gratitude to @malvaphe for the shared workaround!

I’m very happy to report the devs have completed their work on the Nexo CSV files from the recent format change. :raised_hands: :rocket:

If anyone experiences an issue, we would love to know right away. Please do connect with us here if hurdles pop up, so we can quickly sort those out.

Have an awesome day and get your swerve on with those imports. :man_dancing:


Thanks! Just imported successfully.

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Yes @IvanEft!!!

Cheers, brother! Thank you for confirming. :pray:

Have an awesome weekend!

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