Missing values on tax report export

On my tax evaluation report from last year, there are some positions that show zero value. By checking from Coingecko, I see the coin still has a price and in the past transactions page on Koinly app, a price from the API is also there. So why does the value not have a price on the report? E.g. @ CHF0.00 per STT, source: market (StarTerra).

I checked this link: https://support.koinly.io/en/articles/9490067-market-prices-for-xyz-are-missing
But that’s only for when prices are missing from the app, which they aren’t within the transactions page. Howcome there is no value on the excel tax report 2023?

Hey @revinco

Thanks for your message. :wave:t2:

This sounds like one for the team, if you haven’t already please open a support ticket and we can take a look for you:

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