Missing USD in binance

Wallet: Binance (Binance)
Transactions: 3134
Imported with: API

  1. No airdrops/forks found
  2. API does not allow access to: BSwaps
    ---- Dust conversions older than 1 year are not provided
    ---- Only Futures from the last 3 months are imported
    ---- Convert trades before 2021-01-01 are not provided by API
  3. 2 transactions are missing purchase history
    ---- Missing 3357.53122335 USDT between 2021-02-15 06:25:57 UTC and 2021-02-15 06:27:55 UTC
    ---- You have margin trades in this wallet. Make sure your borrowing and repayment history has also been imported.

releated 3 what can cause this?

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