Merging Shorts or is it not possible?

Describe the problem:
Should I merge the 4 elements (Borrow, Sell, Buy Back, Repay) of short transaction into 1 transaction?
The system isn’t recognising where the coins have come from, so it shows the globe icon.
If I do merge it affects the Loss/Gain for the trade.

Which exchange/wallet is this regarding?
Binance (KW Binance)

How did you import data into this wallet?
Think API

What have you tried to fix this so far?
I merged all 4 transactions, but what it does is simply delete both the ‘borrow’ and ‘repay’ elements of the trade, as they naturally cancel each other out, but then that leaves me with a loss of £51.67 and a warning of missing purchase history for the 5 coins in question.
If I leave it as imported, the borrowed and repaid ETH come from ‘nowhere’ (globe icon) and if I add up the total Loss/Gain then I’m left with a loss of £32

Which is correct?


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