Matic / Polygon Layer 2 Support [ADDED]

hey peter , when i troubleshoot into my metamask polygon wallet , it tells me “no trades found” . i have pasted the screenshot below for it. I noticed that it does the same for my metamask binance smart chainwallet as well…so what does the term “no trades found” mean ?

so far i have transferred USDC from metamask binance smart chain wallet to metamask polygon wallet and done quite a few swaps, staking in polygon defi etc. Is it referring to that the fact that i did not directly buy any coins from fiat like we do in any exchange ? is it safe to ignore ? how do i get over it ?

Also i noticed whenever i moved USDC over from binance smart chain wallet to my polygon wallet - it recorded it as an “exchange” and not a “transfer” . It should record it as a transfer right ?

Hey Chugs,

This seems strange as the overview states that all of your 43 txns are transfers but the screenshot below shows a deposit…
Would you mind if I took a look at your account or your txn history on the block explorer?
You can send me your email address or public MATIC address via PM and I should be able to resolve it.

Best regards,

Sent u the PM. Also that deposit u see of 0.001 matic is the free matic we get at the matic faucet in order to complete any matic transaction. i get your point though as it seems weird. i did not even look at that till u pointed it out lol.

Hey peter i found out what could be going on here

  1. The polygon metamask wallet referred above is actually the polygon pool wallet - as i did quite a few send to pool/receive from pool transactions when i interacted with polygon defi. And this pool wallet had no trades…only send to pool and receive from pool transactions so that explains why i was seeing " no trades fond " message.

  2. Also i mentioned in my PM to you i mentioned i saw 2 binance smart chain wallets…well one of that was of binance smart chain pool wallet as i interacted with defi there as well so makes sense.

  3. I think the reason it shows bsc to polygon transfers as “exchanges” and not “transfers” per se is coz i used the polygon bridge to send tokens (USDC) from bsc to polygon and as these are separate ecosystems and is cross chain transfers - maybe koinly captures them as exchanges and not transfers. what say ?

Hi Chugs,

Yes, your points are all correct.
I also did not realize that you were looking at the Pool wallet since those wallets are usually hidden. I guess it’s possible to access this troubleshooting page when clicking the link shown in the warning message. I agree that we need to label the Pool wallets better to avoid this confusion.

The reason why the cross-chain transfers are shown as exchanges is that the tokens have different addresses (as you mentioned) so Koinly sees them as separate things, even though they both point to the same token in Koinly.
We should be able to fix this but until we do, you can tag those as Swaps instead, so that no gains will be realized.

Best regards,

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Anything new here? It has been 19 days since the last reply. I haven’t tried to import polygon transactions yet but need to to complete 2020. Has liquidity in/out recognition been fixed yet?

Hi Dean,

Most LP tokens on Polygon are now recognized and automatically detected.
We are still adding new ones whenever we encounter them but all the common ones have been fixed already.

Best regards,

Great job on adding Polygon! I love it!
I’m still having trouble seeing data for my IRON transactions. The error message says
“No market price found for IRON on this date.”
How to fix this?

if the token is not listed in CMC then koinly will spit out that message " no market price found for xxxx on this date". The way around it is you need to manually get the price at the time of transaction and feed it in. Yes it is a pain so i prefer to update my koinly tax records right after i make any trade ( only for those tokens that are not yet listed in CMC as everything is fresh in my mind). That way i dont have to deal with the above error message…if u dont fix it then when u sell them koinly will treat them as “zero cost” which could work against u for tax purposes.

Got it. Super helpful! I dug a little into it, seems like CMC doesn’t have historical IRON prices (pre-June 17) for some reason.

yes thats when it gets tricky and thats exactly why i note down the price of the token at the time of the sale. You can also get this from polygonscan explorer .

Thanks, that’s a great point actually. Couldn’t Koinly grab the prices from polygonscan directly? In its current state, this Polygon integration is unfortunately unusable for me, most of my tokens’ prices are missing… And it would take me years to fix them all manually.


When the API next time syncs, will it overwrite the price you added to the transaction? Do I need to do anything special to make sure sync doesn’t overwrite the record?

Also Koinly’s dashboard thinks my major crypto holdings are USDC when majority are in liquidity pools; mostly not in USDC. Is there any trick to modifying transactions with the correct pool tokens?

  1. nope won’t override as once u modify it - they tagged as “manual” transaction.
  2. for LP pools - i use “send to pool” for the individual tokens sent to pool and " receive from pool" when i get them back. you can zero out the LP token values if koinly can’t find it.

How would Koinly calculate the profit/loss for the pool participation if it doesn’t have the LP token value each time I withdraw from the pool? What is your solution?

one way to tackle it is - you need keep track of the LP value at the time of LP creation. Manual effort but worth it.

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Which probably explains why Koinly thinks I have a huge position in USDC after I started tagging pool in/out transactions. Actual assets are in various Polygon pools and farms.

Still does not make sense…as in why would koinly automatically assume u had USDC for all the LP pool transactions ? You should see your token swap entries at least. lets say you create a 1000$ LP of DINO-USDC. You should see a USDC->DINO exchange transaction , assuming u already had USDC in your wallet and it would also spit out the LP token tranaction…but would say " no price found for xxx". That is when u can either set it to zero or get the value manually and plug it in.

Maybe its because I had bridged USDC from ETH mainnet multiple times? I’ve only tagged pool in/out transactions and have not updated any pricing for the LP tokens. Not sure if its because I’m not updating the transaction values thats causing the large USDC position in dashboard either.

Are LP tokens on polygon still being added?
None of mine from sushiswap, quickswap, or balancer are being recognised