Linking Idex Exchange

Describe the problem:
I made a couple of QNT trades using Idex but I am having trouble integrating these with Koinly. I have synced a MEW public wallet address, but that is not picking up the actual idex trades that were made

When i try to use the idex API, Koinly does not recognise the difference between the crypto exchange wallet address and my personal wallet address on the exchange. So for example, if i receive $10 in my idex wallet, Koinly does not recognise where that amount comes from,

How can I pick those up as well? Do I need to use the IDEX API on top of this as when I tried this, because of the transfer to an exchange wallet, Koinly was unable to recognise the exchange wallet as mine.

11:37 am

Which exchange/wallet is this regarding?

How did you import data into this wallet?
I used the API for my Ether Wallet, and CSV for the IDEX v1.0

What have you tried to fix this so far?
I have tried using a CSV for Idex V1.0 to see if that fixes the issue

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Any chance anyone can respond to this?

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