Link separate transactions

Describe the problem:
NFT bought for $500 Feb 2023. It was partially refunded for $427 in Jun2023. Koinly is counting this as a loss of $500 and counting the refund as a deposit. Can I link these transactions? Do I need to link these transactions to give an accurate tax report

Which exchange/wallet is this regarding?
Trust Wallet

How did you import data into this wallet?

What have you tried to fix this so far?
Attempted to use Merge function

Hey @KevinR

Thanks for reaching out. :wave:t2:

If the Deposit for the refund is in June 2023, do you also have a Send transaction for the NFT (assuming that’s where the $500 loss is coming from) on a different day?

Assuming you do, you could set it up like this:

I’ve used ETH and NULL1 as I don’t know what you originally traded for, but the format would be the same. :+1:t2:

Thanks @Carl_Koinly that seems to have worked

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