Link Capital Gains report with Transactions report

I need the wallet name for each line in the Capital Gains Report, because I use wallet-based cost tracking. Can we have additional columns in the Capital Gains Report, either “Wallet”, or “TxHash” so I can match each row in the Capital Gains Report with the row in the Transactions Report? The TxHash should allow me to lookup any column, including Wallet.

Currently, the best work around is that I match the dates in the Capital Gains Report with the Transactions Report. However, the dates in the Capital Gains Report do not have seconds (only minutes), and some transactions happen within the same minute for a different wallet. There’s no precise way to do the matching.


Unfortunately, we do not have that feature in Koinly yet but we are working to improve the generated reports with expanded details. I can’t give an ETA on when that will be ready but it is in the works for the future.

Kind regards,
