Leaving 0 cost basis/no purchase history last resort

so if I have coins in my trust wallet , i had so many exchanges that I’m afraid to set cost basis , for this year koinly is saying I made 10k profit , (ill eat the tax )because I cannot retrieve purchase history or cost basis , I think best thing to do if I cant get it is to set it in with 0 cost basis , but I still have the coins , (I know I bought them I just never kept track , during the bitmart hack i sold sait and safemoon to get it out send tether to lbank bought it there and send to trust wallet ever since i never sold , sooo this profit is because theres no data of purchase or selling) my question is for safety purposes better to leave it at 0? and unable to find purchase history? in this case.

for next time in like 5 years when I sell , ill just get taxed on what?

I’ll pay the CGs on the 10k sure , but what for next time when I sell in like 4 years , ill get taxed on what?

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