Italy tax report - "quadro rw"

In italy we have to compile the “quadro rw” and we have to indicate the value of the crypto when we buy it and the value of the same crypto at 31/12/---- . With Koinly it’s possibile to have this data ?

I also report a similar question where they said we can see the total amount from 1-jan to 31-dec in the graph in home dashboard. After import all exchange/data you can move the mouse across the line and find the first and the last value on a year.
It could be a great function to display like in cointracking the amount for singular exchange from - at total values.

Did you have download a complete tax report ? In the file there are the values in 01/01 and 31/12
or similar parametres ? Because i’m afraid to pay and receive a useless tax report

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For now I have not use this yet only for limted pnl self calculation, but with the help of some similar tool one. Recently there’s a similar tool “madeinitaly” you can find a link also in reddit that compile directly all the points using a similar api-import technology, named moneyviz, I think I’ll use eventually this one to complete all the parts)

Koinly for us could be useful with the dashboard integration where you can see the total amount at 01.01 (or first time of investiment) and the final end of the year by moving the mouse at that points.
(Ps scusa scrivo in inglese magari che per qualcun’altro puo’ essere utile, es stranieri residenti in italia), Su reddit per fortuna la comunità è molto attiva e hanno già appunto creato un tool ad hoc :slight_smile: [devo ancora acquistarlo, anche se importa le api key in automatico, prima scaricherei anche i csv perché ad esempio qui su koinly importando c’erano parecchi errori e alcune coin scam sul wallet che quindi purtroppo tocca ripurirle ogni tanto a mano, ma è utile ad esempio qualora servisse a fare i calcoli tipo lifo importando il csv ma parlo in generale se si supera la soglia o per i cfd ad esempio :slight_smile: Un saluto buon tutto!!!)

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