Is it possible to add TxSrc and TxDest to csv? Axie Infinity

Describe the problem:
Hi! I have some transactions from Ronin. I’ve gotten it into csv and I’m trying to follow you format. I see that transactions usually have TxSrc and TxDest (I’d like to use that to link transactions properly), but in the csv format you recommend on you homepage there is no mentioning of that. I’d rather not fill this out manually for 350 transactions.
I tried to put it in the csv at the end but TxSrc and TxDest did not get picked up, but the transactions got added at least.

Which exchange/wallet is this regarding?
Ronin in csv format

How did you import data into this wallet?

What have you tried to fix this so far?
I tried to include the columns as the end of the csv file

best regards