IOTA Funds does not show in Koinly

Describe the problem:
KOINLY does not show the transactions

Which exchange/wallet is this regarding?
firefly wallet adress

How did you import data into this wallet?
auto sync the firefly wallet adress

What have you tried to fix this so far?
tried every adress… iota1qq3dpl4tm2tqggyd63hmnu62uxr3zn4tczymgrhszjzhn0u36w0nspgr6vf this should be the right…

Wallet: IOTA (IOTA)
Transactions: 0
Imported with: API

  1. No transactions found

Hey @Maximilian_w

There is currently an issue with IOTA Firefly wallet which has been marked as “planned” which means a fix is going to be introduced soon. I can also see that you have reached out to our support and your case is currently being handled.

Meanwhile, you can always set up your wallet via the CSV import method as explained in our article below:

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