Improper Tokens Displaying

Describe the problem:
I am seeing Affinity tokens in my holdings but I do not have these tokens in my wallet.

Which exchange/wallet is this regarding?
This is coming from BSC in my metamask.

How did you import data into this wallet?
I used the binance smart chain wallet.

What have you tried to fix this so far?
Yes, I have reimported and resynced, but the values are still incorrect.

Hey @DoSchlong !

It’s quite common to get spammed with pesky scamcoins in BSC, Polygon and other chains that have cheap enough fees. If those tokens hold no value you can simply ignore them.

If you want to make them disappear, soft-delete all related transaction(so Koinly remembers no to add them again during re-sync). Then go to the troubleshoot section of your wallet and click API settings, then toggle “ignore reported balances”. This will make Koinly calculate your balances based on API alone.

If you want us to take a closer look, do reach out to us at [email protected]


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