How do you handle trades with Leverage Assets (Bitpanda) for German Tax law?

Hi guys,

I had some Investments in leverage Assets in bitpanda. I saw that Koinly Imports them (in case the Coin is known like e.g. with BTC leverage) as usual trades. I also had some leverage trades that were not imported because the asset is not known.

How do you change and manually create the Investments to categorize them as future trades (other income) instead of spot trades?

Thanks for any hint!


Hi @ChrisHa

The transactions should be imported as Realized PnL and not trades as per Futures and perpetuals (PNL transactions). If this is not the case, please reach out to our support team to look into this further.

Hello @Aria_Koinly,

yesterday I sold a leverage asset and unfortunately it was Again imported as a Sell instead of a realized PnL.

  1. What is the Best way for the Moment to correct this manually on my own?
  2. In parallel how can I get in touch with the Support Team?



Hi @ChrisHa

Please use the in-app chat box to reach out to our support team.

The support team will help you with possible workarounds.