Fluxb be showing 0 balance was solved before now its back again

Describe the problem:
fluxb be showing 0 balance was solved before now its back again

Which exchange/wallet is this regarding?

How did you import data into this wallet?

What have you tried to fix this so far?
every thing i could think of issue happened before was solved issue with koinly then issue showed up again please fix for second time before i fuile taxes in few days

Hey @willy_weyhe :wave:t2:

Thanks for reaching out. :blush:

Is it just the Reported Balance that is 0? Can you check if the Calculated Balance is correct?

caalculated balance correct reported 0

thus issue was solved a couple ish months back and now has re surfaced i am assuming issue with api

Hey @willy_weyhe

Yep, looks like it’s the API provider again, the team is aware of it:

You can go to your wallet setting and enable ‘Ignore reported balances’ so it will show your Calculated Balance instead:

As far as calculations go, you’re all good if the Calculated Balance is correct. :+1:t2:

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