Exchange Issues-Missung Purchase History


I have a Missing Purchase History error for two of my cryptos. I looked at the date, crypto and money and it is all correct. How can i fix this?


Wallet: App ( App)
Transactions: 16
Imported with: CSV

  1. 4 transactions are missing purchase history
    ---- Missing 670.0 HBAR between 2023-02-11 17:32:42 UTC and 2023-02-11 17:34:19 UTC
    ---- Missing 420.0 GALA between 2023-01-17 23:10:36 UTC and 2023-04-18 11:54:12 UTC

Hey @Michael_Rogers ,

This error means that some transactions that relate to the acquisiton of the tokens listed is not imported. Koinly keeps an internal ledger for your asset balance, and you are currently trading more HBAR and GALA than was imported to Koinly.

GALA - this token underwent a contract upgrade, so double check that its not related to this.

HBAR - Please double check the CSV, does it contain deposits of HBAR at all?