Error! Maximum query of 5000 blocks

I am getting “Error! Maximum query of 5000 blocks”
when I sync MetaMask Arbitrum.
I have a lot of transactions on Arbitrum i’m guessing the API is not capable of handling to many.
is there something I can do?

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I’m getting the same error for all my arbitrum wallets. I don’t think it has to do with the number of transactions, since some of my wallets only have less than 50 transactions.

Same problem here. Only a few hundred transactions in the entire wallet history.

Having the same issue here. Same error on two separate Arbitrum accounts. Any fix for this yet?

Yeah, I have been getting that also ever since 30th December 2022, I have a ticket open, everyone must be on holiday still hasn’t been read yet…will let you know when I get an answer

Just an update on what I’m seeing. New Uni-V3 positions are not showing up as option in the drop down menu. I’m assuming it’s related to this error we’re seeing.

I’m getting the same error

Hello Rex_DeLorean,

My apologies for the issues with your Arbitrum wallet. There was an API issue that began over the weekend but it was resolved around 4 hours ago by our dev team.

You can proceed to manually sync your wallet. It should be good to go by the time you see this message. :+1:t2:

I hope that helps! If you have any other questions or need help with something else, please don’t hesitate to get back in touch with us.

Looks good now. Thank you!

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