Error code (522) Solana Sync

Describe the problem: Error code (522) Solana Sync.

Which exchange/wallet is this regarding? Sol

How did you import data into this wallet? Sync

What have you tried to fix this so far? Tried resyncing started happening 2 days a go before that worked great…


Same here. Phantom wallet


Same issue for me with Solflare wallet. No sync possible since about three days

Same problem here. API Error: [522] error code: 522.
Solflare Wallet Auto Sync not working.

Can someone please help with this — I have solflare wallet with keystone pro 3 hardwallet connected to it and I am getting 522 error during sync. I have solana stacked too on that wallet. So Not sure if you folks tested all that out.

Same problem, have it with every solana wallet for a couple of days.

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Same here!..sigh…!!!

MSOL and SOL are now no longer being represetned as they should be on Solana chain :frowning:

I have the same issue with Phantom wallet. Initially the latest transactions were not updated. Today I decided to remove the wallet and reimport on Koinly, and now it lacks all transactions before a certain date some days ago.

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Same here. I’ve also reported this issue in bug reports and will contact the team direct.

Does anyone know if Koinly offers weekend support? It’s sorely needed.


Same problem and old transactions are gone giving me a very high unrealised tax calculation. Please fix the issue before year end.


This issue has now been resolved :+1:

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