Cost/unit needs to be displayed for each wallet, not for each token across all wallets

Describe the problem:
The average cost/unit is not displayed for each wallet but for each token across all wallets. For example, I have a certain amount of ADA. Most of it is a Daedalus wallet and staking. I also have some ADA on Kraken, which is not staked for tax reasons, because in Germany you can sell your crypto tax-free if you hold them for more than one year. As soon as you use it for staking/lending/liquidity/etc your necessary holding period is believed to be extended to 10 years. Therefore it is good to have a second wallet from which you can sell tax-free to cover your taxes for the staking rewards, and I want to treat these two wallets separately and also want separate cost/unit values for both wallets. However, the average cost/unit calculation is ALL ADA divided by the allocation costs. Is there a workaround for this?

Which exchange/wallet is this regarding?
Daedalus and Kraken

How did you import data into this wallet?

What have you tried to fix this so far?
nothing, because I don’t know how. All ADA are treated the same way, no matter in which wallet they are stored, and that’s the problem and might become a problem next year when I want to sell some ADA from my second wallet, which is not staking and therefore can be sold tax-free after one year of holding…

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