Coinbase wallet not accurate

Describe the problem:
I imported coinbase with API and am receiving the below. It is also saying that I have 2.15328245 calculated btc when i only have 1.852395.

Which exchange/wallet is this regarding?

How did you import data into this wallet?

What have you tried to fix this so far?
I just imported a new coinbase wallet with just the CSV and it was completely off almost as if it didnt add any sells. Please advise on how to fix this.

Hi @Murdoch_Murdoch

Just make sure:
1- You are using the API (continue to Coinbase) method to add your wallet.
2- You have not added any CSV files into the wallet as it duplicates your transactions.
3- There are no manual transactions or deleted transactions in the wallet.

If you have taken the above into consideration and still have incorrect balances, please reach out to our support team via the in-app chat to look into this.