Can't merge multiple NFT "send" with token deposit for a bulk sale

Describe the problem:
I sold 20 NTFs for a bulk price. They left at the same time and tokens were deposited shortly after. I have updated the cost basis and “worth” on each NFT manually, but I still cannot merge the multiple NFT sends with the token deposit.

Which exchange/wallet is this regarding?

How did you import data into this wallet?

What have you tried to fix this so far?
Updated cost basis and worth manually. This merge has worked for me in the past in other multi-NFT transactions, but not this time.

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Hey @Un_Known

Thanks for your message. :wave:t2:

Can I just get you to check a couple of things first

  • Are the NFTs from the same collection? I.e. CATNFT#1, CATNFT#2
  • Are they all happening on the same day?
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Yes, they are all different token numbers as part of the same collection as you describe above. All happened within 1 minute of each other, all on the same day (including incoming coin/token for payment.)

Thanks @Un_Known :+1:t2:

Can you DM me your Koinly email address and I’ll take a look for you? :+1:t2:

Where is the DM feature in this webpage? Sorry, can’t find it.

@Un_Known I’ve DM’d you, you should be able to click your profile pic at the top right to find the message. :+1:t2:

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