Can a Wallet be flagged to not be included in dashboard


is it possible to flag coins held in a wallet to not be included in dashboard without deleting the wallet?

I ask because a while back I transferred coins to CredErn, which subsequently has filed for bankruptcy and my coins are affectively lost. But to avoid errors from deleting the coins, is there a way around this?

I may get some money back at the end of the bankruptcy so hence also a reason not to delete the wallet?

Would be nice to have a hide feature! Especially on all the dust rubbish that shows up from holding some coins.
It’d just save having to look at them all the time.

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May I ask you what was your approach to CRED?

I think until the bankruptcy procedure is finished, those coins cannot be claimed as lost, right? However, Koinly is showing as a capital gain to me, which is wrong as well. Any advice?


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