Bybit API key erroring

Describe the problem:

Looks like your wallet ‘ByBit’ didn’t sync successfully due to an unexpected error.
This usually means that something is wrong with the exchange’s API service, or that Koinly is having some problems with syncing the data. In either case, the issue is sure to be fixed shortly, so you can try syncing your wallet again in a few hours.

If the issue persists, feel free to reach out to our amazing customer support team by responding to this email.

The Koinly Team

Error message: "Too many visits. Exceeded the API Rate Limit. "

Which exchange/wallet is this regarding?


How did you import data into this wallet?


What have you tried to fix this so far?

I tried regenerating the API and resubmitting.


I also wrote to Koinly customer support. When I get an answer I will update everyone here. I hope you guys will do the same. Thanks in advance.

Same for me. Good to know I am not the only one. I contacted the Bybit support today, curious what they will respond.

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Please update us when you receive a solution to your problem from Koinly. Thanks in advance. My time is running out and I need to solve the problem ASAP. I appreciate any help I can get.

Same message for me too


same for me - when can we expect a solution?


The same error pops up while trying to sync my wallet. My old API key expired, so I just created a new one. I clicked on my existing ByBit Koinly wallet and updated the API key and secret right from the troubleshooting page inside the wallet. Then I tried syncing it and I got the same error as you.
My last transactions were from the 7th of December 2022, so I thought I would just create a new wallet and add another new API key and secret. To my knowledge, the ByBit API only supports transactions for up to 1 year. So this would fit perfectly, as we have the 27th of November today. I would then just import the transactions dating back to the 7th of December. But as I created the new wallet and tried to sync it I got the same error once again. So I hope that this will be fixed asap. I need to do my taxes. The time is running.

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Same message for me too. Can we have feedback from Koinly support, if the issue is known and if they are working on it?

I get “too many Visits” error,too.
I use python pybit, version 2.4.0 , is this related?
Are V5 endpoints or V3 endpoints related?

Hi guys, @jeffhu @togo1031 @BoDoe @Cryptojesus @alask @JFish @Ben_Wilde

Thanks for your patience on this - I am chasing this up with our tech team, and will provide an update ASAP


This ticket is now marked as Complete, can you try to resync the wallet?


It is now syncing for me. Thank you!


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